Thursday, July 21, 2011

eau de adorable

tonight a couple of my male students came to study hall wearing cologne. a lot of it. then they came up to ask me questions about epistasis and polygenic traits and brought their spindly little fragranced limbs a bit too close to me. but considering they weight 80 pounds soaking wet and challenge each other with unsolvable math equations, i'm not exactly feeling threatened. but if they start looking eagerly at me when i drink my coffee i'll know they've roofied me. and i'm not convinced some of these kids couldn't cook up a quick quaalude during their activity time.

other fun events of the day:
todd wore seersucker pants and tucked his napkin into his dress shirt and tie during lunch.
nugs continues to wear sunglasses inside. i love it.
potter still looks like he's 10 hours behind on sleep in the daytime. but interestingly that phenotype disappears when the sun goes down.
hicks and his logic still make no [sense].
nips's nips are nipping.
jack talked to my TA and i for a good 10 minutes about physics and did modern dance stretches the entire time.
mr. perfect piles 10-12 slices of cheese and 5-8 slices of tomato on top of whatever he is eating.
the kids watched "time bandits" during movie time today. "TIME BANDITS." amazing.
i convinced a kid that eddie munster (the character) was what the actor who played eddie munster looked like in real life. this is the kid that highlights every part of the textbook page that DOESN'T have writing in it. the margins, the drawings, everything. it's terrible.

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