Thursday, February 26, 2009

new in the science lab

it's been a busy day of stories in the p.dwarf lab. today i convinced a couple classrooms of students that i was friends with kevin garnett. i then used my photos of professor proton + KG to prove it. granted, i made these photos on photoshop, but ooooohhhhh they fell for it. they're all freaking out: "how do you know him?," "you FOR REAL know him?." and then i told them that KG was also my baby's daddy. and then they laughed super hard but still weren't totally convinced that i didn't know him.

i also told my students that i'm going to start a rumor that i'm pregnant so that people will throw me a party and i'll get blenders and toasters and awesome kitchen stuff. then i'll tell the people it died and i'll get to keep the stuff. i think that whole cuckoo rant may have brought some of the rough, tough kids over to the dr. l side.

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