Saturday, November 8, 2008

soren maintains supremecy

once again, soren has proven his position as supreme student. because of his inquiry into whether or not i thought the electoral college was a good idea, i gave him a printed copy of federalist paper 68. i don't know if he'll read it, but he just might. but the real showmanship: we're on the energy unit and i was showing kids how energy is transformed from one form to another and picked up a flashlight. i said that the batteries were potential energy and energy is changed to light when the flashlight is turned on. when i turned it on, the kids looked legitimately shocked that light came out of the end of it. i then said "wow. you guys look really surprised by that light. what are you? puritans in 1858?" and holy smokes did soren laugh. put his head down on the desk and laughed and laughed. SCORE!

and if you haven't caught a bit of children's programming on saturday, do yourself a favor. i just saw a commercial for "wet babies." apparently they squirt water on you when you squeeze them. one six-year-old's comment when said wet baby did just that "you're my baby now." really? if that's the criteria then color me mama. and doesn't seem like squeezing infants is a good idea to reinforce in six-year-olds. i think we all know they take things literally and the last thing we need is a renegade group of children with claw-like squeezing capabilities causing a wave of pissing and puking babies. regurgitating children they then insist are theirs.

1 comment:

Mark Ultra said...

Um, did you really write this at 6am on Saturday morning?!