Tuesday, November 4, 2008

puking pumpkins

highlights of the halloween weekend: the professor in a bowtie, ladies dressed as boys peeing in urinals, the simpsons halloween episode, and children dressed as pumpkins. pumpkins with zero self-control. at a halloween party this weekend, my friends and i were enjoying some delicious treats when i noticed an adorable little kid dressed as a pumpkin. the child was being held by his mother, who was enjoying a healthy amount of crab dip. as i'm shoving salsa in my mouth, i notice that the face of the little gourd is kind of scrinching up, and then white puke liquid starts dribbling down the kid's chin and onto his costume. i make a puking sound of my own and start laughing incredibly hard as the baby puke continues, saturating the front of his costume and getting dangerously close to both his mother's arm and her costume. she, of course, doesn't notice any of this happening until about 10 seconds after the vomit eruption occurred. What used to be a cute kid in a pumpkin costume was transformed into a bile-caked, vomit-soaked gross-ass bastard of a baby. good job breeders.


amythemighty said...

Love the Proton pics. I think Kenneth is planning a doggie inauguration party, so maybe Proton will have another opportunity to break out the formalwear.

Mark Ultra said...

DOGGIE INAUGURATION PARTY!?! I'm living in a cuckoo clock....