Tuesday, August 2, 2011


last week the big summer camp nerd dance was themed "dirty laundry." students were encouraged to wear mismatched clothes.... which really has nothing to do with dirty laundry or not having enough clothes to wear and really, if we're going to be honest, 65% of these nerdballs walk around wearing mismatched clothes on a daily basis. SO, although i encouraged my students to show up in the dance wearing the dirtiest clothes they have, they did not. BUT, one of my students did something far far far beyond adorable.

her name: aradhana. i mispronounced her name the first time i tried saying it, but if i exclaimed it like a telenovela character or bollywood heartthrob, it came out just right. so now, she is "a-RAD-HANA!" and i usually say her name while shaking my fist in the air. she also is the student that thought PCR = CPR = she's the best. she's also told me that her family in india (she flew over for this nerd camp) gather every sunday to talk about the week's activities, and apparently all of them know who i am, as aradhana is keeping a running log of the outrageous things i say in class. and she reports these statements/utterances/streams of consciousness to her adorable grandmother and grandfather, who i picture as these noble indian treasure troves of knowledge and grace and yep... they're being entertained by how many times i say the word "penis," or my attempt to explain how cutting a restriction site in half prevents its being used as a site of PCR primer annealing by likening it to cutting someone's leg off at the knee and not connecting two parts before attaching the splint. there was a stick figure drawing. or how the idea that an HIV vaccination prevents you from contracting the virus could lead to lots of more..... "dirty sexy time." did i mention her parents are coming to conferences this friday?

but back to why this girl is amazing... besides the fact she's incredibly brilliant and kind and just a joy... for the "dirty laundry" dance she wore a hamper. A HAMPER ON HER HEAD. she walked around with her adorable self wearing a hamper. that, my friends, is another reason why i love teaching and i love teaching kids.

this week my students are giving presentations on some Drosophila, a.k.a. fruit fly, experiments they did. they were working on their posters today and aradhana maybe said that she and her partner were going to dress up as fruit flies. i will seriously lose my mind if i get to listen to a ten minute presentation on the mode of inheritance of eye color from two ginormous and adorable Drosophila. lose. my. mind.

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