Monday, November 9, 2009

that bastard dr. moreau

this morning i told my high school chemistry class about this crazy book i just read called The Island of Dr. Moreau. i figured that none of them had ever heard of it, or H.G. Wells for that matter, and i was right. they asked me to describe what happens and i did, making sure to talk up the outrageous creatures and the questionable ethics of one dr. moreau and when i was finished the reigning pumpkin princess exclaimed "wait, is anyone on to this guy? where is his island?" i assured that that there was no real dr. moreau and that mr. wells wrote this and many other science fiction novels/stories to shed light onto advances in the sciences and their unforseen consequences. i'm not sure she was convinced. she seemed a little more at ease when another student mentioned they had seen the movie and it was real messed up. i'm now reading Guns, Germs, and Steel but i think their heads might explode if i tried to explain what they was about... and that it's nonfiction.

in other news, i went to my first auction yesterday and bought two paintings... actually one painting and one woodblock etching. so exciting! of course i bid within the first twenty-five items and when i secured my first painting i squealed with delight. the aunctioneer looked at me and said "first auction? i can't tell." and then started laughing super hard. hells yeah it's my first auction and you're lucky i dont have more money or i would have swiped that pair of oriental lamps with grazing deer on them from under your nose.

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