Wednesday, September 16, 2009

so much eco in your face

i am on an eco mission. you would think that a high school in vermont, a private one at that, would be all up on recycling and conservation and sustainability and such. but no. my high school is into sports and sports... and then sports. it's fairly odd and most of the times rather disconcerting. nevermind the fact that the football team got schmucked 66-8 last weekend... my previous attempts at starting conversation about a recycling club were met with "well, that club will take kids away from sports." IDIOTS. luckily, there are several faculty that are on the same wavelength i am and aren't huge dingbats. this week i met with folks from sustainable rutland, a group that promotes eco awareness and all that fun stuff, and we had a two hour brainstorming session about ways to get my high school involved in the movement. and what ideas we had! community gardens, recycling, composting in the lunch room... i am officially insanely excited. so i mention this to the science faculty at our monthly faculty meeting... and let me preface this by saying that most of the meeting was spend listening to an ancient faculty guy moaning about how much work the science fair is. so much work. SO MUCH WORK. really? are you serious? a lot of work if you are lazy and uninterested in your students. anyway, when i mentioned the community gardens and the whole eco club thing, it was met with "well.. you need to remember that the sports team sometimes use that field when their other field has water in it." OUTRAGEOUS. a huge green space with ZERO going on in it that could be utilized in such an amazing way. heaven forbid the squash team can't toss their little ball around. and may i say the first person to sign up for my club was a burly, big football player. :)

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