Friday, August 14, 2009

dead little....

it will never stop amazing me that abortion is still used as a major talking point in political debates. i don't know if you've been following the dialogue following the proposed changes in health care, but i have and it's outrageous. first there's the argument being made that the new health care plan will involve "death panels" that kill old people. i know. hilarious. then that was followed by the notion that not only will old people be led into the "no come back bingo parlor," but these death panels would also take down children with special needs. GERIATRICS and KIDS WITH DOWN SYNDROME. it's outrageous.

and then somehow abortion gets brought into it. there's the commercial with two "waiting for death-type" folks talking about how the old guy's surgery or viagra prescriptions or whatever aren't being paid for by the government, but isn't it a tragedy that the government is giving money to pay for abortions. ABORTIONS. who has abortions? nobody. i mean, yes, abortions happen and friends of mine have no doubt had them, but NO LADIES sit around discussing how awesome it was when lucy got an abortion... "and remember the rad tuesday that we took bethany in to get her abortion and she was totally sleepy on the way home? and then she called jeremy all drugged-out and they had post-op sex? wasn't that great? it's too bad more of us didn't get abortions." i can't imagine anything more difficult and heartbreaking than going through that whole process... and it's one thing to say big fat lies about government funding (which i've come to expect), but it's another to give the idea that women are jumping around, throwing their coke bottles and coat hangers into the garbage, hugging each other, and throwing RU-486 into each other's mouths. outrageous.

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