Monday, October 27, 2008

phallic pony

i highly doubt i am going to be able to do this pony credit, but here goes...

i am helping out with lights for my school's performance of "the legend of sleepy hollow." the headless horseman is being played by two students in an amazing costume: one student acts as the front end of the horseman, with his eyes located where the horseman's chest is and a chopped-off head on the top, and a horse head coming out of where a horse head should be coming out of. or maybe where the horse head should not be coming out of. more on that later. the other student is the horse's butt. the poor kid has to bend over and grab hold of the front kid's hips and gallop around with him to make a complete horseman. it is absolutely one of the cutest/least frightening things i have ever seen.

added hilarity to the costume: the front end kid was walking around the gym tonight before practice sans butt. which means this kid was walking around talking about how crappy the lunch french fries were with a huge phallic horse's head. of course, he kept standing in front of the light table in silhouette, huge horse head protruding from his nether regions. and yes, i was laughing as hard as the 8th grade boys i was sitting with.

to top it off: we're working on the final scene with the horseman, complete with gratuitous smoke machine and strobe lights, and the butt kid is hooking up to the horseface dick kid. as we're all standing around laughing super hard, strobe lights blinding our faces, simon (awesome, awesome simon) says "that's the least scary horse i've ever seen. in fact, it's more like a pony. " jesus christ. i say "yes... a shetland pony." and then we laughed and laughed. and remember, simon is ichabob crane, so he's saying this wearing a huge red scarf tied into a bow, a tri-cornered hat, and breeches. and let's just say the play ends with this headless horseman chasing simon in a hailstorm of strobe lights. i hope for video.

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