Tuesday, December 1, 2009

tribes and babies and oh my

i'm not going to say that high schooler's don't necessarily serve a purpose, but i'm pretty sure they don't serve a purpose. except maybe to be smelly and wear ill-fitting clothing and touch each other and talk about gross things and refuse to be excited about anything and be generally obnoxious. middle schoolers are sweet, sweet gems of fun bubbles and jelly beans and unbridled excitement. and i miss them. i've got five days and counting at the little den of ignorance and intolerance... and today i heard some real eye-poppers.

december 1st is World AIDS Day when you give everyone you can AIDS. kidding. i was talking to my two classes about a study that just came out showing that medical malpractice has contributed to millions of cases of AIDS in africa. (see jonathanturley.org for the article) so i asked my classes why it is that africa has had such a big problem with the virus. a couple of the most colorful and frightening responses:
1- "because they live in tribes and have babies all day long." my response: "that may be the most racist thing i've ever heard you say." her response: "it's not racist. they don't all live in tribes." THAT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE
2- "because they have huge orgies." this was said by a new student of mine who definitely has nerdy, science-type tendencies, so of course as soon as he said this he started blushing and i started giggling and responded by saying, "well, let's all assume that they're wearing condoms and it's a safe orgy. you all should wear condoms. always. girls, make sure they put one on."

five. more. days.

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