babies are awesome. not because they're small and cute and squishy and smell nice... although those attributes definitely add to their overall awesomeness. they're awesome because they are legitimately amazed by things that us cynical adults don't give a moment's thought to. the color blue, the cat having whiskers, their own fingernails... everything is fantastic and wonderful and awe-inspiring and another reason to be excited about being wherever they are. i went to visit my friend's chunky bebunky baby and spent most of the time laying on my back, with chunkster on my stomach,

and yours truly making outrageous snoring noises and spitting sounds. chunkster was BLOWN AWAY by the sounds and set out to determine how exactly i was making those magical notes by placing her hands on top of my face and giggling incessently whenever i forced noises through those little paws. i spent 20 minutes doing this and that was without a doubt the best 20 minutes of my week. i am never living as much in the moment as i am when letting myself enjoy every second i spend with chunky mcawesome..... and those moments are the best reminder of how important it is to KEEP being amazed by the small things... by the way pumpkin plants grow, by the way my bird feeder is empty 10 minutes after filling it, by proton and a squirrel having a 30 second staring contest, by how good lentil soup is, and every other small, completely significant thing that makes life fantastic.....
1 comment:
*GASP* I'm amazed by my own fingernails! Babies are not the only awesome humans! I am clearly as cool as a baby.
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