Today was great. Lots of time at the dog park, reading up on how the science as an institution developed through very conscious and calculated maneuvers by elitists, intellectuals, and all sorts of folks threatened by artisans, and, of course, SHUCKING CORN. Shuck shuck shuck. Who knew that all of those hours spent sitting in the garage, tediously pulling the sticky, icky corn silk and green shuckings away from those sweet ears would pay off. I wouldn't necessarily consider myself a pro, but I would venture to say I've got 200+ hours of corn shucking under my retro belt. Although the setting today was a bit different: beautiful weather, sitting on my deck, watching Proton and Doobie take turns peeing on my bok choy plants, thinking about sweet corn blanching in my sweet big pot. Contrast that to: Midwest mosquitos, sitting in my parents' garage, the Cure blasting on my headphones running on 60% battery power... but that slurred, dreary moan/singing being so much better than listening to my sisters screaming about how awesome their C+C Music Factory gymnastic routine was.... those morbid tunes echoing in my ears as I threw shucked corn remnants into a steel garbage can, counting the minutes until I could escape from the labor and back into my room and Stephen King. So. much. angst. And now: so much corn! Boop dee boop boop.
1 comment:
Great description. Very evocative of my own early teen years, except for the corn. Things that make you go hmm...
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