Updates in the life: back in baltimore (wooh hooh!), living in my sweet ol' neighborhood, tending my awesome awesome garden, and soon to be teaching at an amazing science high school in the city. SO. EXCITED. The Professor is absolutely elated to be back and visiting the dog park daily and hunting rats and pretty much just being awesome.
So some dandies to kick off my return to the land of the interweb..... courtesy of my always deprecating and confounding mother....
Last night I was talking on the phone to my mom about my plans buy some fish and an aquarium. Her response: “ooh… taking care of fish is really hard.” Mine: “Mom, I already own a dog. And I have my PhD in biochemistry. I think I can manage taking care of a fish tank and some fish.” I also told her that my friend Gabby is a therapist at a woman’s prison in Maryland. She asks “Wait… they spend state money on giving those people massages in prison?” No. No they don’t. I believe I cleared up the error by calling Gabby a “brain therapist.” My mother finished the conversation by reminding me that raising a child alone is really hard. I'm guessing slightly harder than maintaining a fish tank. I had to remind her that I'm 32 and not dead yet. Although apparently the chances of meeting a person to share child responiblities with post-30 are, as we all know, statisitically improbable. I'm asking for the best turkey basters EVER for Xmas.
And prepare to be treated like a mystery of nature if you happen to be over 35 when you are ready to embark on the whole kids thing. It's baffling.
On the other hand, I do sometimes have moments of panic where I think, I will be *55* when he goes to college! Holy Crap!
I LOLd on "Brain Therapist."
and never mind tony randall and his having a kid at 75. ga-ross.
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