one of my classes at the college had a whopping three students in it. one of those students is the type that likes to correct everything you say and try to lead the lecture. we're not going to be friends. he also made sure to let us know that he's really good at both english at math, that he's memorized most of the fractions as decimals, and that he's good at drawing trees at any time of the year. i am unsure if that means that he's good at drawing trees in december as well as july, or if he's not thrown by those crazy shape-shifting oaks and their sneaky seasonal morphing. it's probably both. he seems really talented. ugh. i also made sure to tell my other class (this one having 21 students) to be sure to come to class because the rumor is that i'm super awesome. no laughing, no nothing. just blank stares. fantastic.
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