yesterday proton and i watched The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. the original. the one with the guy in the freaking wheelchair who gets chainsawed to death. wow. wow. wow. has to be one of the few horror movies i have seen in recent months that did not disappoint. don't even get me started on Bloody Murder. apparently TCM came out the same year as The Exorcist and people were losing their minds. no doubt. inbreds with skin on their faces and dead grandpas sucking fingers? GA-ROSS. i, of course, was engrossed in the film, but proton was curled up rather contentedly on my chest, little dog paws curled into the air in the pose of complete relaxation. and i must say, one of the best things in the whole world has to be cuddling with your favorite dog and feeling their little dog breath on your neck. even when you're watching idiot texas getting their heads split by axe-weilding inbreds.
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