there were a couple reasons i knew meditation was a must before starting the school day yesterday: 1- yesterday was ravens day at school, 2- i had a morning meeting with my principal, and 3- apparently i was going to get showered in shit. ravens day = so much purple. everywhere. faculty and student wearing purple shirts, jerseys, kids spray painting their hair purple, purple shiny shit all over the desk in the school office, hats, purple pants. madness. i wore my usual black and when my principal saw me (wearing a huge purple track suit and hat and purple lipstick) she asked me if i was a steelers fan. no. i am not. i am not a football fan. she was gobsmacked. nope.. don't like the ravens and don't like this plague that has descended on the school. how do you take someone seriously when they're wearing a fucking track suit to work? and a purple track suit at that? sure, i may have permanent scarring running up and down my arm, but i'm not draped in a tent of windbreaking fashion faux pas. i understand that a football game holds an exceptional amount of importance for you, but don't think that because i'm not personally invested in the accumulation of points in an endzone means that my life is suffering in some way.
so after the meeting with the garnet gem, i went up to use the faculty bathroom. i flush the toilet, and instead of the water doing what it was supposed to do (get sucked into the pipes), it came shooting out of the toilet, straight up into the air, and on top of my head. ON TOP OF MY HEAD. i'm locked in a 5 x 5 x 8 foot cube being showered with shit water. like a hip hop car video gone awry. so there i am, screaming in the bathroom. i finally got out and told the 7th grade assistant principal about it. he looked at me like i was out of my mind. i then left his office and told the super nice janitor lady about it and she started laughing incredibly hard. as she should have. it was insane. before starting class, i told each of my classes about it and told them each of them were getting a hug before they left.
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