1- Did you see Dick Clark on New Year's Eve? Not as much "Rockin' New Year's Eve" as "Strokin' New Year's Eve." And by strokin' I mean the cerebrovascular type. The group of friends gathered at my house to watch the event were absolutely dumbstruck by his appearance. And slurred speech. And plastic face. It was like the world was moving in slow motion. Slow, grinding motion permeated with the sound of some former music icon's moans masquerading as enunciations. We all sort of looked at each other, wondering if 1: WE were that wasted, 2: HE was that wasted, or 3: the Mormors from Planet Xzulap had finally invaded and chose Dick's Clark's body as the first to occupy and turn to Earth plastic. None of those turned out to be the case... although a part of me is thinking he's faking the whole stroke thing and just got super wasted and hoped for a sympathy screw.
2- Apparently my students now carry pulley bling around school. Pulley bling = lots of different colored metal pulleys. Not only does one of my students carry 10+ pulleys of various colors and shapes in his backpack, he also carries 50 feet of nylon rope. When he mentioned this to me, his classmate (and academic rival) quickly announced he not only had 50 feet of nylon rope, he had an additional 100 feet of other kinds of rope in his bag. We are now hoping for a fire drill during their class with me so we can rig up an elaborate pulley system and lower students out of the windows to safety.
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