Tuesday, January 27, 2009
kinetic eagle scouts
Sunday, January 25, 2009
new extra credit project

during my friday "lunch with dr. larson," i learned that one of my students (tim) has recently been combing his hair with a pencil and is trying to grow it out all curly-like. i asked him if he was growing it like an afro... or a jheri curl and he and another student (matt) started laughing super hard. i then said that if either of them grew a jheri curl i would for sure give them extra credit. especially if it was really shiny. simon, also there for lunch, said that he would not grow a jheri curl. i told him he couldn't because he's white. he then said he wouldn't grow one anyway. i told them if he could grow anything it would be a jew-fro because he's Jewish and has curly hair. i thought matt and tim were going to fall out of their desks.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
i forgot about these
things done in the past 24 hours:
1- yesterday soren innocently raised his hand during drill and said "um, dr. larson, you're missing the "t" in element." apparently i had misspelled the word element. my response? i threw an eraser at him. bad because i'm throwing things at him, even worse because he badly sprained his finger playing basketball and it's wrapped up and he's got use of only one arm. he laughed nervously after i threw it. i then remarked that i probably shouldn't throw an eraser at him when he's only got one working arm. or maybe it's the perfect time.
2- same class.... i said something funny and nathan c. made a super laugh gaffaw-type laughing sound. i looked at him with my serious dr. larson death look and his face melted from complete joy and elation to utter fear and anguish in about 0.23 seconds. he looked like he was going to start crying. of course, this caused me to start laughing incredibly hard. hard enough that i doubled over and my face turned red.
3- there's a 7th grader that i really don't like. today she walked past my room and shot a nasty look in. i out loud said "i'm going to punch a kid in the face." yah....
1- yesterday soren innocently raised his hand during drill and said "um, dr. larson, you're missing the "t" in element." apparently i had misspelled the word element. my response? i threw an eraser at him. bad because i'm throwing things at him, even worse because he badly sprained his finger playing basketball and it's wrapped up and he's got use of only one arm. he laughed nervously after i threw it. i then remarked that i probably shouldn't throw an eraser at him when he's only got one working arm. or maybe it's the perfect time.
2- same class.... i said something funny and nathan c. made a super laugh gaffaw-type laughing sound. i looked at him with my serious dr. larson death look and his face melted from complete joy and elation to utter fear and anguish in about 0.23 seconds. he looked like he was going to start crying. of course, this caused me to start laughing incredibly hard. hard enough that i doubled over and my face turned red.
3- there's a 7th grader that i really don't like. today she walked past my room and shot a nasty look in. i out loud said "i'm going to punch a kid in the face." yah....
science fair expectations blown
tonight i am reading the science fair results of my students. they're doing a pretty fantastic job making graphs and documenting their experiments with photos and diagrams and such things. so, just when i'm getting bored with how great things are, ms. lowe delivers her sweet results to me. her science fair project was on what causes stomachaches and how they could be relieved with a mixture of water, sugar, baking soda, and vinegar. i tried telling her, but she insisted this would be a good project. some highlights:
"The results of my experiment came out as a success. The first person I tried this on was my mother and the first trial it took about thirty seconds to work. For the second and third trial the experiment worked almost insantly. When my mother took the solution she burped loudly right after she drank the solution on the first trial. On the second trial my mother went ot the bathroom right after she drank the solution. On the third trial my mother went to the bathroom and burped a couple of times."
Next... her father....
"He burped after he drank the solution and some of his food came up after drinking the solution. The second time he drank the solution it work after after thirty seconds. He ran straight to the bathroom after drinking the solution."
Then... her cousin...
".. "the first time she drank the solution she burped and some of her food came up." " The second and third time my cousin just burped and nothing came up." "My cousin also ran to the bathroom."
And finally... the aunt....
"After she drank the solution she threw up a little bit in her mouth and ran to the bathroom."
But... ms. lowe concludes her results section with "Everyone's stomachaches went away which was the main goal for combining the water, vinegar, sugar, and baking soda."
hmmm.... may be some confounding variables in this experiment. and i so hope her folks come to the science fair. poor people and their poor stomaches will never agree to be guinea pigs again.
"The results of my experiment came out as a success. The first person I tried this on was my mother and the first trial it took about thirty seconds to work. For the second and third trial the experiment worked almost insantly. When my mother took the solution she burped loudly right after she drank the solution on the first trial. On the second trial my mother went ot the bathroom right after she drank the solution. On the third trial my mother went to the bathroom and burped a couple of times."
Next... her father....
"He burped after he drank the solution and some of his food came up after drinking the solution. The second time he drank the solution it work after after thirty seconds. He ran straight to the bathroom after drinking the solution."
Then... her cousin...
".. "the first time she drank the solution she burped and some of her food came up." " The second and third time my cousin just burped and nothing came up." "My cousin also ran to the bathroom."
And finally... the aunt....
"After she drank the solution she threw up a little bit in her mouth and ran to the bathroom."
But... ms. lowe concludes her results section with "Everyone's stomachaches went away which was the main goal for combining the water, vinegar, sugar, and baking soda."
hmmm.... may be some confounding variables in this experiment. and i so hope her folks come to the science fair. poor people and their poor stomaches will never agree to be guinea pigs again.
Monday, January 19, 2009
science art
Saturday, January 17, 2009
purple plague

so after the meeting with the garnet gem, i went up to use the faculty bathroom. i flush the toilet, and instead of the water doing what it was supposed to do (get sucked into the pipes), it came shooting out of the toilet, straight up into the air, and on top of my head. ON TOP OF MY HEAD. i'm locked in a 5 x 5 x 8 foot cube being showered with shit water. like a hip hop car video gone awry. so there i am, screaming in the bathroom. i finally got out and told the 7th grade assistant principal about it. he looked at me like i was out of my mind. i then left his office and told the super nice janitor lady about it and she started laughing incredibly hard. as she should have. it was insane. before starting class, i told each of my classes about it and told them each of them were getting a hug before they left.
Friday, January 9, 2009

in class, we're starting to talk about methods of heat transfer: conduction, convection, and radiation. i've set up a big fish tank with room temperature water and today experimented with setting up currents by adding colored water of different temperatures to see how they moved and settled in the tank. this resulted in a tank full of yellowish water by the end of the day. when my last class asked what was in the tank, i told them i peed in it. they laughed... and i said i was serious. they looked a little nervous, so then i told them i was just kidding. i was setting up convection currents using different colored water. they sighed in relief, and i quickly yelled "AND THEN I PEED IN IT." teaching. so great.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
whitest teacher ever
i have officially raised the bar of whiteness.
one of my students showed up with fronts yesterday. fronts meaning those gold teethie things that fit in your mouth. i noticed something was up when it looked like he had fangs hanging out of his mouth. today i asked if i could see them. he then smiled at me and revealed oh the gold. so much gold. i asked him if they were permanent and he promptly took them out of his mouth to show me that they were not. i then asked him whether he could open cans with them. oh the giggling. he said no, and i then asked him if he had tried. again, no. well... maybe you should try. i asked him what he would do if someone tried to steal them and he looked at me like i was crazy. need i remind you that he is TWELVE. TWELVE-YEARS-OLD and wearing fronts. he also has homemade tattoos on his hand.
but it gets whiter. our subject of late is specific heat, or the amount of energy (heat) it takes to raise the temperature of 1 kg of material 1 degree Celsius. The lovely equation that goes along with specific heat is Q = mCΔT. when writing the equation on the board, i wrote mCΔT and remarked that he's a super underground hip hop artist. you know, MC ΔT. i then told my students i bought one of his mix tapes out of the back of someone's car. and it was super hot on the street. oh, you guys don't know about him? guess you're not street. i also told them the rapper TI named himself after Ti (initial temperature) and that his new album is called "Specific Heat." almost lost my cool when someone asked me if that was the album he was writing from jail. why yes... yes it is. i went on to describe how there's actually a lot of overlap between hip hop and thermodynamics. that hip hop artists get a lot of inspiration from the likes of Boyle and Faraday and physical science and during set breaks the artists are callibrating their thermometers backstage.
one of my students showed up with fronts yesterday. fronts meaning those gold teethie things that fit in your mouth. i noticed something was up when it looked like he had fangs hanging out of his mouth. today i asked if i could see them. he then smiled at me and revealed oh the gold. so much gold. i asked him if they were permanent and he promptly took them out of his mouth to show me that they were not. i then asked him whether he could open cans with them. oh the giggling. he said no, and i then asked him if he had tried. again, no. well... maybe you should try. i asked him what he would do if someone tried to steal them and he looked at me like i was crazy. need i remind you that he is TWELVE. TWELVE-YEARS-OLD and wearing fronts. he also has homemade tattoos on his hand.
but it gets whiter. our subject of late is specific heat, or the amount of energy (heat) it takes to raise the temperature of 1 kg of material 1 degree Celsius. The lovely equation that goes along with specific heat is Q = mCΔT. when writing the equation on the board, i wrote mCΔT and remarked that he's a super underground hip hop artist. you know, MC ΔT. i then told my students i bought one of his mix tapes out of the back of someone's car. and it was super hot on the street. oh, you guys don't know about him? guess you're not street. i also told them the rapper TI named himself after Ti (initial temperature) and that his new album is called "Specific Heat." almost lost my cool when someone asked me if that was the album he was writing from jail. why yes... yes it is. i went on to describe how there's actually a lot of overlap between hip hop and thermodynamics. that hip hop artists get a lot of inspiration from the likes of Boyle and Faraday and physical science and during set breaks the artists are callibrating their thermometers backstage.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Pulley Bling

2- Apparently my students now carry pulley bling around school. Pulley bling = lots of different colored metal pulleys. Not only does one of my students carry 10+ pulleys of various colors and shapes in his backpack, he also carries 50 feet of nylon rope. When he mentioned this to me, his classmate (and academic rival) quickly announced he not only had 50 feet of nylon rope, he had an additional 100 feet of other kinds of rope in his bag. We are now hoping for a fire drill during their class with me so we can rig up an elaborate pulley system and lower students out of the windows to safety.
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