Just when I feel I can't take another metaphorical punch in the face from the adults I find myself surrounded by on most days, sweet Ralkwon evens everything out by asking me one of the most outrageous questions I've been asked as teacher. Today's lecture was on cells: how small they are, how they have all sorts of different shapes, the types of organelles they have, your standard sort of cell discussion. But, of course, this is my class, so there are pictures of sperm along with transitional epithelium. This of course leads to a lively discussion of sperm/egg/fertilization/how not to get pregnant and so on. As class ends and students are filing out, Ralkwon stops and says..... "
Dr. Larson.... so, uh, is vaseline what comes out of your penis when you ejaculate?"
Holy. crap.
I'm usually very good at keeping a straight face and not embarassing kids when they ask me sexy-time questions, but I laughed out loud super duper hard and assured him that no, that is not vaseline. Good god. He exclaimed "SEE! I told you guys!" to his friends in the hallway and continued on to German I. After he left, another male student felt the need to ask me additional questions about nocturnal teenage boy activities... but we'll keep those on the DL. But let's just say I've never heard the word "ejaculate" said so many times by teenage boys. Ever.
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