this latest movie adventure was triggered in part by a meeting i had today with arguably one of the most frustrating students i have ever had the misfortune of dealing with. i mean, there's lots of different types of ridiculous students, but, without a doubt, the most aggravating and fist-biting-inducing are the entitled, spoiled, perpetual victims. and i'm talking turning in unfinished assignments because he/she couldn't get the computer program to run and scheduling THREE different meetings because he/she feels i should give them points for effort. EFFORT. i'm not your freaking kindergarten teacher and trying hard means zippo when you're a nurse and told to insert a catheter in a screaming 9-year-old. and claiming that you're not finishing your assignments because you're ex-husband recently raped you is definitely not the way to start the meeting. an even worse way to end the meeting would be to be yelling at your anatomy and physiology teacher, telling her how unapproachable she is and saying things like "i mean, are you serious dr. larson?" in a snotty girl voice. oh... but i see you're going to go for both of those things and then expect me to help you out. hmm.... not punching you in your stupid lip piercing is taking all the effort i have. and yes... this person has already started breeding.
oh my gosh. the movie has an official "werewolf break." this is amazing.
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