yesterday proton and i made the official move to vermont. and what a move it was. the picture of the car shows you what we drove 8.5 hours in. proton was sitting on my lap the whole time and actually did a pretty fantastic job of keeping still, except for the last 30 minutes when he about lost his mind jumping around my lap and digging his little dog nails into my stomach. but we made it to the lovely house in rutland and proton got straight to meeting our new neighbors: the Bovines. now, i had heard a little bit about the
Bovines from Jonas, and i was quite excited to meet them myself

and see how proton reacted to them. i'll tell you how he reacted to them: with NO FEAR. i made the foolish mistake of not securing proton to anything because i felt terrible about having him cooped up in the car all day. HUGE mistake. proton initially did a great job of staying near the house, but soon thereafter he started being a bit too curious and i hollered for him to come back. he didn't respond. in fact, what he did was make a straight b-line for the cow pasture. there were 5-6 big mama cows in the field and 3 calves. turns

out those cows had just had those calves.... making
them protective lethal killing machines. so proton jumps in the pasture and is bounding. not running... bounding. bounding like a cartoon bunny. just loving his freedom and his impending meeting with the Bovines. the cows initially didn't see him, but once they did, they locked their laser eyes on him and stopped chewing. stopped chewing and circled up. circled up and charged on that terrier. and he's running and thinking it's fun.... until those cows FOR REALS starting charging him. and mind you, the entire time proton is r

unning towards these beasts i am screaming like a banshee. and yes, proton did look at me, right before he continued bounding. i thought he was going to be hooved. he finally ran back under the fence and towards me, and i'd like to say i saw fear in his eyes.... but i can't be sure if it was the look of fear or shear ecstasy. the cows continued to charge towards us, stopped at the fence, and stared at us. stared so hard. and that's how their relationship with proton stands. today = lots of staring contests across property lines.
today = i mowed the lawn. mowed the shit out of that lawn. so fantastic. and we went and visited the resevoir 10 minutes from our house (the bottom two pictures). how amazing is that?! it is officially my new swimming hole and i can't wait to go back.
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