this week also marked the return of mr. money. mr. money is a terrible, terrible man who is supposed to get the kids all excited to do fundraising for the school and he wears one of those gross seashell necklaces and looks like a sleezy, icky guy you would see at a bar who would sneak up behind you and try to dry hump you without you noticing. we all had to go down to an assembly to listen to him spew his terrible money-craving propoganda, but this time it got much worse than usual. the teachers were asked to assemble at the front of the gym and he told us we were going to be in a dance contest. (at this point i faked slashed my wrists with my keys for some of my students.) he then starts blaring some terrible techno music and waves around a $20 bill to entice us to dance. i whisper to the teacher next to me that this is dangerously close to something like a stripper would do. the new teacher (mr. mccord) at the end of the line looks like he is going to start crying, and then all of a sudden the teacher i had just talked to freaking BUSTS OUT with some crazy dance moves and takes off his jacket and throws it like a stripper to the 8th grade girls sitting in the front row. i thought the children's heads were going to explode... and i used that moment to sneak off stage. i then watched a terrible man/teacher attempt to be cool by also dancing. he looked like the uncomfortably drunk dancing uncle at a wedding.... and then poor mr. mccord was summoned and he just stood there looking down, turning red, and wanting to die. me too, my friend. me too.
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