i'm the first to admit i have a shoe problem. i've had a shoe problem since i was about 3. always parading around in my grandma's sweet pumps as a toddler, trying on my 2nd grade teacher's shoes whenever she would let me, and trying to don the best pastel old bridesmaid dress + satin heel combo my aunt's closet could offer. february is my favorite shoe month in baltimore
because my favorite shoe shop + chocolaterie has their

annual sale. i almost forgot about it, but last night one of my student's parents emailed me with a pair of shoes they saw there and immediately though of me. this pair of shoes had black and silver striped heels and was decorated with flying rocket ships. unfortunately, those shoes were not available in my size, but don't think i didn't walk out of there with some freaking amazing zapatos (those would be the photos to the left). i'm not sure whether i like the shoes more or the box one of the pairs came in. it has

robots on it and they're shooting laser beams out of their eyes. i'll buy every pair of shoes this company ever comes out with because they're freaking adorable and their packaging appeals to a science-minded chick like myself. and now i need to figure out what two pairs of shoes i am going to donate. that's how i keep myself in check. kind of.
and more delights in education.... i'm the faculty advisor to the 8th grade dance committee. i've got one girl on the committee who thinks herself some sort of dance dictator and is trying to appoint only her friends to be on it and thinks that there is going to be some forest theme or some shit at said booty-shaking event. themes? decorating? hells no. there's going to be a few strands of christmas lights and a ton of smoke and strobe lights. and mark bc going dj crazy. and dr. l. in a pink wig. that's enough for you. there's this weird "footloose" vibe with some of the older teacher who keep insisting we need to watch out for that "terrible overtly sexual dancing those kids are into." weird. i advocated for squirt guns, but as per usual, my suggestions at faculty meetings are not usually given much thought. i also thought the kids should use a "throw a pie at a teacher's face" as a fundraiser, but again... that was met with scowls and frowns. pie faces.