well, i got to break up my first fight this week. maybe not a FULL fight, but the kid that ran the smoke machine got pushed across the room and to the floor by an idiot moron because smoke kid didn't tell him the answer to a problem. idiot. and holy shit did i yell. i don't know if that voice has ever come out of my body before, but i definitely lowered it a few notches and made it BOOMING loud and children scurried out of my room like roaches when the verbal storm started.
when my students weren't being huge freaking babies and throwing each other across the room, they were busy learning about the calorie. such a simple idea. the calorie. who knew that my lessons on the calorie and caloric intake would lead to calorie-eating contests. because apparently in middle school everything can be reduced to a competition. last night nathan g, estimated weight 89 pounds, ate a Big Mac meal and 1/2 an apple pie. total estimated calories taken in over a 24 hour period: 3600. this surpassed the caloric intake of raven, estimated weight 115 pounds and twice as tall as Nathan, even though she ate an entire pint of Ben & Jerry's last night. this evening ned and soren are challenging each other. great. i've voiced my displeasure at this contest because of the probability of one of them pooping in their pants and all over my classroom.
we also had a lab today where my students had to climb a flight of stairs and time themselves to determine work and power. i was discussing the results with a group of students and they mentioned something about the stairs moving. i said "wait... the stairs moved?" they said yes. i then asked them if they were on acid, because that's the only time the stairs should be moving. they looked at me with huge doe-like eyes and didn't say anything. i repeated the question. one student said "not now, but maybe later." i then realized that they had ZERO idea what acid was and i was digging myself into a freaking grave. and yes... i said half of that last sentence out loud to them.
1 comment:
Good effort on trying to bring back LSD-25; these kids these days with their squareness.
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